Same goes during lectures. The only best time to study is right before every quiz so I can recall everything... passing an exam is entirely a different story. Friends, Clarion, Family, and a whole lot of time for myself has kept me occupied, it's amazing I graduated without failing grades.
Now, I have to cram up everything inside my already air-filled head with knowledge needed to pass the November PNLE board.
uuummmm... let's see... all in all there are about 8 books I bought during my abundant college years that i haven't actually read yet. *Hey! I have my notes, and I open my books naman whenever we have quizzes or exams*
I'm getting anxious, I know I have acceptable scores in the review but I still think its not enough, I need ample time and I'm not getting any. I wanted to spend as much time with Jayson, with my internet, and TV, and home, and friends.. etc.. etc...
oh..well.. its kadayawan, and I still have two weeks to chill... so au revior! i have to see the floral parade!

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