Wednesday, December 30, 2009
I have to thank God for...
2. ... and I took the board nah..hahayy.. Thank you God!
3. Thank you God for keeping my family healthy all year.
4. Mama and papa are doing well in Japan. thank you God!
5. Thank you din po for introducing people in my life whether they brought me luck or misfortune with lessons din naman.
6. I have every I needed and more. Thank you.
7.Thank you God for Jayson♥
8. Thank you for my friends and for my loving relatives
9.Thank you for keeping us away from disasters and crime
10. .. and thank you for what you're gonna do to me for the year ahead...
Thank you God!
new year's resolution
1. look for a lucrative job here or abroad. ASAP
2. Keep Jayson♥
3. sport my untamed natural curls next year no matter what happened!
4. if I could, i would love to lose myself in a foreign land ...and find my way back home thereafter
5. Be extra extra nicer to my siblings.
6. Be extremely patient with mama.
7. stay fit and healthy. Jedai please eat what you should and not what you could
8. Promise to attend mass every Sunday! whether @ EFC or @ San Pedro church
9. Throw all the clutters at home especially inside my cabinet
10. Keep life simple. What matters is I am happy and that I make other people happy in the process as well.
Dear God, Thank you for the year that was and for the new year ahead. I promise to make the most out of it. I love you and I continue to praise you.. muwah! xoxo
Monday, December 28, 2009
*breathes out a long sigh of relief*
I shrugged the thought off my head but it keeps creeping into my subconsciousness. I know I shouldn't believe in all that crap but when you grow up with relatives hailing fung shui in every way, you can't help but doubt. I heaved a long sigh of relief this afternoon when Hannah called Charles her bana (meaning husband/hubby) again. They are still single but I smell something differently good in the air and I am hoping they get back again so we can celebrate love and relationship with them the way it was before.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
My first Christmas with my first(and last) boyfriend *hopeful*
I'd like to describe the feeling of finally meeting his whole family and getting the chance to really bond with them, to elaborate this overwhelming desire to stay there longer so I would hopefully miss him a little less, I want to tell you how thankful I am to my God for giving me the chance to meet this little piece of baggage in this whole vast universe to laugh with and make me realize how great a person I am and how much I am being loved.
I would love to share with you how it feels swaying with the tune of humming, to draw a picture of us walking under the drizzles of the rain, I want to show you the happiness I feel when we're together. That even a bus ride with him beside me is something I always look forward to. Simple things that are usually taken for granted we treat as the most precious.
I want to tell you everything I feel but when i start to type, my fingers seem to hesitate... unable to grasp what my heart wants to say. My body won't cooperate and I start to fumble. anything just to get it out of my system for fear I might explode. I need to to tell you everything but I can't.. And this is the closest I get to describing it.. I'm sorry. :(
P.S. Thank you Jayz! and thanks to your family for making me feel so welcomed. I love you.
♥♫ ∟☼V3 Y☺U ♣♥
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Hapeeeeeee :D

Happy 5th monthsarry baby! Our Samal adventure turned out pretty good huh? though it wasn't the way we expected it to be, still I had fun because you're right beside me. I love you and I pray we always stay this way forever, I really do. Remember what they say about losing the feelings when relationships age? I feared about falling into that very same pit as lovers do but when I look at you and hold you, I think and I smile... We will never(superlative alright!) lose the feeling because we will always (yes, another superlative babe!) work on cultivating it no matter what. You have always been honest with me about men and emotions and I thank you for giving me free lectures about how your kind behaves in certain situations. I know I should be extra careful with my tongue, to watch out on the way I react on your own obnoxious mind-state, and the importance of taking care of my own body. You have no idea how much I am learning from you. Thank you beh and rest assured that no matter how apathetic I look whenever you give long statements, I am learning and that I have reflected on it. Promise! Cross my throat! Cross my heart! Cross my abdomen!cross my feet! :)
It was sooooooooooo much fun just hanging out with you at home by the way! Cooking together, making home-made tuna sandwich together, and eating it thereafter with DVDs on the side was a blast! Oh! and did I mention how I love your new card game? It gives me thrill whenever you flip those cards! I learned how to properly toss the coin too! :) ♥
I love you baby! And I am looking forward on our forever together. I think missing you always does the magic. I mean, It gives me this exhilarating thrill whenever we see each other again and I get to kiss you and hug you once more. Its as if the thought of missing you again gives me this desire to always treasure every moment with you knowing that I may not get the chance to for a long time. I love you. I will never get tired of telling you that because I do...and I will never get tired of hearing you say it because aside from the tingling sensation it brings to my ears, it tickles my heart in a good way too! ♥♥
You are my knight in shining Armour, only better because you wouldn't care if I didn't use glutathione like Snowwhite, you hardly notice how unsophisticated I look compared to Cinderella on her new shiny ballgown, you get upset whenever I try to put on make-up masking my beauty within, and you whine about minishorts and sleeveless shirts fearing men might commit adultery. *giggles*
You are my pillow with a music box implanted on them. You are my security blanket, only you smell nicer than the one I have at home. You are the book I want to dig into everyday, my own personal pill that can cure anything I wouldn't want to feel. You are my precious toy. You are my life. You are my everything because you are my love. bawal sad mureact! :)

P.S. I can go on and on and on here.. but I need to stop so I can write something on our next monthsarry and on the next, and next,....infinity :)
I LOVE YOU! :) ♥♥♥
Thursday, December 10, 2009
I could have had a ♥ attack!!!!!
I woke up feeling dreadfully awful because of some damn dream… I dreamt of looking at the list of PNLE passers given to me by my senior schoolmate. She told me that it’s the November ’09 result and that the result came in early because of technology. She said she wasn’t able to see my name on it. I flipped the pages and saw the name “January”, only it has a different surname… Suddenly I thought I would cry… men! And then I looked at the front page and it wasn’t Nov’09, it was June’09… whew! Still it was a bad dream and It sure felt like the real thing! I woke up and then I sighed… some nightmares just wouldn’t go…
And then we went to UM Matina after breakfast to get our Christmas gift… My cousins and I felt a little adventurous that morning and The Ampatuan’s mansion is something we just can’t resist. So we breathe in courage and off we drove to Juna Subdivision! We can’t find it at first with the maze-like boulevard and large houses around… We decided to go back home after a few rounds in the region when ‘lo and behold! We saw the exact same gate we saw only in Newspapers Nationwide. It was unbelievably quiet and there were no big armed men around, only the deserted mansion and the equally deserted houses and street. Oh well… Turns out the same excitement we anticipated on driving over to Tsampaka at night and venturing over a hotspot in the metro didn’t do justice on our exaggerated adrenaline rush! We went home still feeling slumped over our lame adventure, if you call it as such!
I went to the pits in the afternoon because I’m scheduled for my tooth extraction. Now I wouldn’t be able to literally “smile to the ears”. Damn tooth! I’m scheduled for cleaning and fluoride brush next week... I hope my dentist would be kind enough to treat me for the yummy brownies icecream.
And just so I thought the day would be better. It got a lot worst! I rode the cheapest transportation in town (The jeepney alright!) and almost got myself into a big trouble… It’s a humid afternoon and the traffic didn’t cooperate with us either so when our ride was suddenly almost got hit by the raging taxi, the jeepney driver got so furious he went out and dared the taxi driver for a fight... The poor taxi driver just sat frozen in his seat… Who wouldn’t? Our driver held a big metal bar on his hand… Everyone inside the jeepney just sat in silence and froze.. I almost thought of intervening if something bad happens.. Thank God! He came to his senses.. otherwise I would have had to ride another jeepney back home and will get another batch of people staring at my poor numb lips mouthing “bayad po” in harelip style.
Monday, December 7, 2009
What now?
I'm thinking about applying in a bank just because I'd love to look like all those self-styled bankers sporting roughly anything professional looking, yeah... I can be shallow. Anyway, I've just monetized my blog and hopefully *crosses fingers* somebody will be kind enough to click it..*sigh* but that would be impossible ofcourse unless I myself click those ads.. *double sigh*
And another option is ofcourse online tutorial! Tadah! Now that's something new.. but really... I'm thinking about it for sometime. people say you get a good pay on that.. (so I'm marketing myself now) Anyone interested? I'm really good at speaking and writing (partly because I love chismis)\..hahahaha... No seriously.. I' dead serious on this... Hire me!!!
And how can I leave the buy and sell industry behind? I love everything about it! pretty dresses, lovely accessories, killer high-heeled shoes, night bazaars with music and food to boot all night... ahhhh.. now that's business! I'm planning to tell my mom about it so she can help me with the finance so I'll probably update you all on that! I knoerrr right... I'm pretty excited too!
that's it for now.. I'm running out of ideas.. if you have, any kindly post your comments here.. I'd really appreciate that as much as I need it.. Ciao! Thank you!