Happy 5th monthsarry baby! Our Samal adventure turned out pretty good huh? though it wasn't the way we expected it to be, still I had fun because you're right beside me. I love you and I pray we always stay this way forever, I really do. Remember what they say about losing the feelings when relationships age? I feared about falling into that very same pit as lovers do but when I look at you and hold you, I think and I smile... We will never(superlative alright!) lose the feeling because we will always (yes, another superlative babe!) work on cultivating it no matter what. You have always been honest with me about men and emotions and I thank you for giving me free lectures about how your kind behaves in certain situations. I know I should be extra careful with my tongue, to watch out on the way I react on your own obnoxious mind-state, and the importance of taking care of my own body. You have no idea how much I am learning from you. Thank you beh and rest assured that no matter how apathetic I look whenever you give long statements, I am learning and that I have reflected on it. Promise! Cross my throat! Cross my heart! Cross my abdomen!cross my feet! :)
It was sooooooooooo much fun just hanging out with you at home by the way! Cooking together, making home-made tuna sandwich together, and eating it thereafter with DVDs on the side was a blast! Oh! and did I mention how I love your new card game? It gives me thrill whenever you flip those cards! I learned how to properly toss the coin too! :) ♥
I love you baby! And I am looking forward on our forever together. I think missing you always does the magic. I mean, It gives me this exhilarating thrill whenever we see each other again and I get to kiss you and hug you once more. Its as if the thought of missing you again gives me this desire to always treasure every moment with you knowing that I may not get the chance to for a long time. I love you. I will never get tired of telling you that because I do...and I will never get tired of hearing you say it because aside from the tingling sensation it brings to my ears, it tickles my heart in a good way too! ♥♥
You are my knight in shining Armour, only better because you wouldn't care if I didn't use glutathione like Snowwhite, you hardly notice how unsophisticated I look compared to Cinderella on her new shiny ballgown, you get upset whenever I try to put on make-up masking my beauty within, and you whine about minishorts and sleeveless shirts fearing men might commit adultery. *giggles*
You are my pillow with a music box implanted on them. You are my security blanket, only you smell nicer than the one I have at home. You are the book I want to dig into everyday, my own personal pill that can cure anything I wouldn't want to feel. You are my precious toy. You are my life. You are my everything because you are my love. bawal sad mureact! :)

P.S. I can go on and on and on here.. but I need to stop so I can write something on our next monthsarry and on the next, and next,....infinity :)
I LOVE YOU! :) ♥♥♥
so sweeeet!
ReplyDeletetnx doby! merry Christmas to you and Cawi!