Monday, December 7, 2009

What now?

Just barely 2 weeks after taking the PNLE (Philippine Nursing Licensure Exam) and I'm feeling bored I can wish to sleep til it's Christmas, No! Bored is even an understatement. Its with a capital B-O-R-E-D! It has been a helluva of parties and outings during the first few days and now I'm stuck at home. No money, with my boyfriend back at his hometown, and a mere me looking for a job online (can somebody please please puhleeezzz give me work!!!!)... I really don't think I can plunge into the pool of graduates cramming in Call Centers everywhere nationwide *incase you'd be advocating for that* :)

I'm thinking about applying in a bank just because I'd love to look like all those self-styled bankers sporting roughly anything professional looking, yeah... I can be shallow. Anyway, I've just monetized my blog and hopefully *crosses fingers* somebody will be kind enough to click it..*sigh* but that would be impossible ofcourse unless I myself click those ads.. *double sigh*

And another option is ofcourse online tutorial! Tadah! Now that's something new.. but really... I'm thinking about it for sometime. people say you get a good pay on that.. (so I'm marketing myself now) Anyone interested? I'm really good at speaking and writing (partly because I love chismis)\..hahahaha... No seriously.. I' dead serious on this... Hire me!!!

And how can I leave the buy and sell industry behind? I love everything about it! pretty dresses, lovely accessories, killer high-heeled shoes, night bazaars with music and food to boot all night... ahhhh.. now that's business! I'm planning to tell my mom about it so she can help me with the finance so I'll probably update you all on that! I knoerrr right... I'm pretty excited too!

that's it for now.. I'm running out of ideas.. if you have, any kindly post your comments here.. I'd really appreciate that as much as I need it.. Ciao! Thank you!

1 comment:

  1. im so bored to tears. january pako mag training. pakshet.
